Tag Archives: Bean

Chicago 2009

9 Dec

My friend Brian was born and raised in Chicago. The place is in his blood. Brian is an energetic ambassador and a thoughtful educator. These travel pictures are a tribute to his city and to his personal style. They were taken from our trip to see the city back in 2009. He encouraged us for years to go see and experience the mood. We had a great time there. Thank you, Brian.

Sunrise over Lake Michigan
Sunrise over Lake Michigan.

Flowers (7053)
Flowers near the lake shore with buildings in the background.

Cloudgate Morning (7035)
Anish Kapoor’s Cloudgate without the crowds at daybreak.

Inside Cloudgate (6950)
Magical view from under Cloudgate with crowds enjoying the suprise.

Hotel (7168)
The chest in our hotel had drawer pulls that reminded me of the Cloudgate sculpture. Small art easily forgotten. Keep your eyes open and plan a trip to Chicago to find hidden treasures.

View complete map of the Chicago Loop.