Governor’s Island Art Fair – 2016 September

10 Sep

Visited the first weekend of the Governor’s Island Art Fair. Saw many excellent pieces on display. Standouts included portraits by Quigley, zoetrope with synchronized swimmers by Wang and banana by Cunningham. Highly recommended way to enjoy this warm weather and soak in new ideas.

“The Zoedream” by Jia Wang – zoetrope of synchronized swimmers 3D printed presented with strobe light. There is so much to take in. Be sure to see the object both spinning alive and static. Dazzling.

Banana_by_Cunningham 3963
“Nude Descending a Staircase” by Charlie Cunningham – The scale and the emotion stop many visitors. The title of the piece add to the tragedy and comedy.

Salesman Series Project by Lawrence Quigley – Portraits of regional sales managers painted onto nickels. Brilliant idea, well executed.

Fruit Fight by Kurzyna 4026
“Fruit Fight” by Luiza Kurzyna – Ms. Kurzyna was friendly and engaging. I look forward to seeing one of her performances.

Woman in window by unknown

“Vena Cava” by Cynthia Ruse – Ms. Ruse freely explained her intent. I encourage all to peek into the closet to explore the surprising connection!

Torreja 3977
“moments of impact” by Torreja

Update: expanded descriptions

One Response to “Governor’s Island Art Fair – 2016 September”

  1. theartdive September 10, 2016 at 7:39 am #

    Loved them all 🙂

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